The article I read was 'Their Victory, Not Ours' written by Aaron Ross, who talks about an article in Slate written by Eliot Spitzer entitled "America is Freedom, and Freedom is Winning." Like Ross and Spitzer, I am optimistic for the people of the Middle East in their efforts towards freedom and like Ross, I agree that their drive may come from American's but it isn't the only driving force. Because they don't want to emulate the same government of other countries not does mean that they want to completely emulate ours. Sure there are certain aspects of our government that are great and then there are aspects that could be changed. Isn't that what the founding fathers did whenever they began writing the 'sacred documents' of our country? Why is it that many politicians think that American government is god's gift to the world? Maybe it's pride, or ignorance of the times.
With each generation, the youth can hold the wheel and we can steer it either way. The revolutionaries of the Middle East are comparable to the American youth. They're both fresh with new ideas on modern issues, whether the current administration agrees or not. Ross states that Spitzer views American's aid in the current situation as an apology for past mistakes to the Middle East for feeding money and such to certain autocrats isn't going to cut. I feel as though America may be backtracking to right a wrong but to boast about it and claim it as another American history is disgusting, but that's what America does. Because Spitzer was once a senator, of course he is going to believe that our country has done a job well done. But in reality, we should be helping now because it we kept freedom from them for so long. America had its' time of revolutions and now it's time to let others do the same.